Thursday, October 23, 2014

Anime Bonzi 10th Anniversary

I got to go to Anime Bonzi last weekend. The panels were interesting and funny, I bought tons of fandom merch, and all the people were super nice and cool to talk to. Honestly if I could go back every weekend, I would.

It started on Friday when Alice picked me up. I was cosplaying as Tavros, Milly was Sollux and Alice was Terezi from Homesuck. We had to wait in line for a half an hour, but we got to talk to a Canada cosplayer. She was extremely nice and I talked to her for an hour before I realized any time had passed. On the first day I spent most of my time talking to people and helping choose which toy llama my friend Sarah should buy. I only went to one panel that day, Reading vs Writing and it was fun to talk about fanfics we had written or read. I also bought lots of merch, including a Supernatural pin, a plushie Darlek, a Prussia wall scroll and a Sherlock purse. It was a truly beautiful thing.

Prussia, ze awsomest! And Gilbird on has head.
The second day I was Aries from Fairytail and loads of people asker to take pictures with me. It was tons of fun again and I was also able to meet up with the people I had seen the day before. Although I went to way more panels on Saturday including origami 101 (I FINALLY made a swan!), a Doctor Who scavenger hunt (got to keep a commemorative bow tie and everything), a Fairytail one (Spoilers D:) and most of a very intreating Hetalia panel (they had a cool Russia). I made friends with 2 Terezis, a grimdark Rose, a Prussia, Jake English(yes, he had an english accent), and a very attractive Dave Strider. There was also a Batman in a hot tub, but I didn't nor do I ever want to know. I also bought some cute Supernatural and Hetalia stickers.

Moral of the story, whenever given the chance go to a fan convention because it is amazing. I had so much fun, and I'm taking all my friends who didn't go this year next time.

top left to bottom right England and a mint bunny, Russia with a metal pipe, Italy with a white flag, and Germany judging them all, Sam, Castiel, and Dean

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